This is a beautiful time of year – leaves falling to the ground in colors of orange, red, and yellow. Birds and other little critters running around doing their last minute preparations for winter, and life begins to slow down just a little. One of the main activities we’ve been engaged in on the homestead […]
Only 3 Processing Dates left for the Season!
Do you want to get those birds processed? We have only a few processing dates coming up. If you need service, we can help! Send me a message or visit our website: Butchering/Processing Processing dates: Oct 5th, 19th and Nov 9th. That’s it! Butchering/Processing We conduct small animal processing for customers, this includes ducks, chickens, […]
Working with People
One of our favorite things to do that s tin work with people to help them toward self-sufficiency and to make their property abundant. We generally do this in two ways: education and consultation. Through education we work to teach principles that can be applied across all kinds of properties. From postage stamp properties in […]
Taming Your Tomatoes
Day 7 Off-Grid Cooking
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookie bars? Okay, I know those people exist but they aren’t my friends just kidding, but seriously, are they normal? We haven’t made chocolate chip cookies in way too long and what better way to bake them than the Sun Oven? INGREDIENTS 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking […]
Got Green Tomatoes?
Sun Oven Eggs (day 6 off-grid cooking)
If you have laying hens you understand the continual frustration of getting a hard-boiled egg that will actually peel! I found the only solution was to use a pressure canner if I wanted an egg that would peel without tearing the egg apart. Now I have another method – the Sun Oven. I haven’t tried cooking […]
Sun Dried Tomatoes in the Sun Oven (day 5)
The What and How of Hydrosols
Canning Season and the Rocket Stove
So, we’ve lived on our homestead for two years now. This year we are actually producing a lot more food than last year and that means one thing – canning, and lots of it. Normally I would attempt to freeze some things instead because, let’s face it, it’s just easier! However, we recently butchered our […]