Before you go and grab a can of insecticide to kill those pesky yellow jackets have you considered the fact that they eat aphids, flies, caterpillars and grasshoppers? In many ways they are beneficial. Their omnivorous nature lends itself well to eating the soft bodied structure of the dreaded aphid for example. They also […]
The Lost Art of Yogurt-Making
Before we moved to the mountains of idaho I made yogurt, I made bread from freshly ground grains, I even made kombucha and kefir water, we’ve even tried our hand at brewing beer but honestly, none of it was second nature. First of all, I was definitely afraid of making a mistake and either wasting […]
Wonder Woman & Sprouted Wheat Bread
Making bread is a valuable skill. If nothing else it makes me feel accomplished. Seriously, I take wheat, water, yeast, honey, salt and turn it into something edible and delicious – I think I should wear a Wonder Woman outfit in the kitchen on those days (that, however, could become a distraction, so I digress)!
Don’t Be A Zombie – 3 Practical Steps Toward Self-Sufficiency
The all-allusive term “self-sufficiency” is tossed about today with no real context or understanding. It is not a bad thing, actually, it is great and encouraging that people are even talking about self-sufficiency. Building resiliency in people’s lives is one of our objectives, and leading people down a path to self-sufficiency is a really good way […]
Control Pests Naturally – Grow Herbs
Here comes Spring! The commencement of the gardening season heralds in the influx of insects: beneficial and, unfortunately, of the “pest” nature. What are some ways we can increase the number of beneficial insects while reducing damage from unwanted pests? That’s a question gardeners have been exploring since the advent of vegetable cultivation. While there […]
Energy Efficiency with a Power Meter
Move toward more energy efficiency using a power meter In this video I cover two main points that are helpful toward energy efficiency using a power meter: 1. A power meter helps determine which appliances draw power all the time regardless of use. For example, most tvs draw power 24/7/365. Unplug these appliances when not […]
Beginning Your Medicinal Herb Garden
Culinary and Medicinal Garden Snowpocalypse!
Snow-Covered Herb Garden In the foreground is our culinary and medicinal garden. In the background is the food forest on terrace. We are excited about adding many different medicinal herbs this year to our established garden: yarrow, chaste tree, calendula and plantain just to name a few. In the food forest we will adding more […]
Cold Frames for Self-Sufficiency
Utilizing cold frames to get an early start and extend the season is one of easiest and most reliable ways to get a jump on the growing season. Have you ever listened to people talk about building high tunnels and greenhouses? They often are mired in cumbersome grant programs with costs in the thousands […]