Today we got the opportunity to sit and talk with Christopher Herndon (17 years old). We asked him about his entrepreneurial experience (he started his first business when he was 12), but primarily talked about his current business (and passion), his market-garden. The author that he learned the most from when preparing was Eliot Coleman. […]
Podcast 105 – David Kershner
In today’s podcast we talk David Kershner, who is a post apocalyptic world (PAW) author. We have an interesting discussion about the central question he poses in his books: What would it take to remove GMO’s from the US food chain? And, what would it look like if we did so abruptly? David currently works […]
Why make a plan?
Some days it’s difficult to wrap our minds around everything we need to do, want to do and should do! Our list seems to be never-ending (as most Homesteading Entrepreneurs know)! It’s easy to get overwhelmed by that list and by real life that constantly requires our attention! These are the times we have to […]
Podcast 104 KrisAnne Hall
What a great time we had talking with KrisAnne about liberty, the Constitution and our role in ensuring continued liberty for our children and grand children. She is intelligent, engaging, and passionate about educating Americans. We felt very encouraged as we finished our interview, she shared with us that she sees many people, especially college-aged […]
Podcast Episode 103 – Goal Setting For The Homestead
On today’s podcast, Monica and I discuss goal setting for the homestead. Goal setting for the homestead is so crucial it can’t be overstated. There is always a gap between a dream and reality. Goals are the glue that makes those two much closer together. This podcast is about the nuts and bolts of goal […]
Goal Setting for the Homestead Part 1 & Part 2
In the last blog post (read Part 1 here), we covered the establishment of dreams, vision and purpose. I talked about the importance of setting goals that will eventually make your dreams come true. Goals must be realistic. I like using the acronym SMART in order to clarify goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant (to your […]
Podcast 102 “Homestead Honey”
In this podcast, Monica and I interview Teri Page, author, wife, homeschooling mom, and homesteader. In October, 2012 her family of four packed up from their Oregon homestead of 13 years and moved next door to their good friends in Northeast Missouri, where they are building a radical homestead on 10 acres of raw land. […]
Preparing to Homestead Part 1
Before we started homesteading I would sit and imagine how idyllic and peaceful it would be. Sitting on my porch shucking peas, looking out at all the animals grazing on lush pasture, the garden teaming with vegetables, fruit trees drooping from the load of fruit ready to be picked, and the kids building forts and […]
Podcast Episode 101 – Preparing to Homestead
Today we discuss strategies for preparing to homestead. We cover everything from “unplugging from the matrix” to commitment, education, and finances. If you are thinking about homesteading or getting ready to make the move, this will help get you ready. If you are already homesteading these strategies will give you areas to re-evalute to make […]
Most Used Appliances Part 4
Years ago, I began dehydrating food. At first I didn’t think it really mattered which dehydrator I used — they were all pretty much the same, right? I bought a mid-priced round dehydrator and was on my way! As my food dehydrating progressed, I began running into snags – the food was dehydrating at different […]