Improve You Health Drinking Bone Broth There is much controversy over the health benefits of bone broth, you can find articles all over the web that fall into one of two camps: bone broth is another unscientifically supported health fad or bone broth is a health booster. I fall into the second camp. When it comes […]
Harvesting Animals Humanely
Harvesting animals is not our favorite part of homesteading but it is a necessary part, and we think the aspect of harvesting, processing, slaughtering or butchering — whatever you want to call it — provides the deepest connection with the land. It is the thing that makes homesteading the most real. Reasons for Processing Animals […]
Kyle Nagy – Orchardist at Sandpoint Orchard
On today’s podcast Monica and I interview Kyle Nagy who is an orchardist at Sandoint Orchard. This is a great interview packed with a lot of valuable information for the home orchardist. This applies heavily to guilds and food forests as well since we talked about tree health, training, pruning, cultivars, rootstock and much more. […]
Medicinal Guild
Last weekend I spent an afternoon studying different bushes, trees, and herbaceous plants in order to design the newest guild on our Permafarm. This one will be positioned in the front of our home creating a peaceful and beautiful landscape to enjoy while sipping freshly brewed mint tea on our porch (and keeping the goats […]
Podcast Episode 109 – Water Strategies For The Homestead
In today’s podcast, Monica and I talk about building a comprehensive water plan. We start by talking about some very important principles to guide your plan: observe, start at the highest point, start small and simple, slow, spread and soak water, manage overflow and treat like a resources and more… Within those principles we talk […]
Preparing to Homestead? Here’s a list of books we recommend
Recommended Reading & Resources This list is not exhaustive; it is a short list of books that we have found helpful as we expanded our knowledge of homesteading. Feel free to explore different books than what we have listed here and let us know subjects you’re interested in. We have many books and most of […]
Hoop Coop
This year is shaping up to be another busy year on the homestead. Last year was a huge establishment year while this year is about expansion and tweaking what we’ve done. When we built our original chicken coop (for our 15 layers) we were not anticipating more than doubling our flock. Let’s just say we […]
Podcast Episode 108 – Dan McDonald
On today’s podcast, Monica and I interview Dan McDonald who is running for local office in Bonner County, Idaho. To be specific he is running for the District 3 County Commissioner seat. Why is this podcast important for you even if you don’t reside in Bonner County? Because local politics are crucial in our present uncertain […]
Podcast Episode 107 – Homestead Update
Building Community
I’ve been having a tough time focusing this winter. Spring seems to be coming sooner than expected, we decided to take a variety of continuing education classes this year, and, as usual, we have to run the day-to-day activities of an active homestead, house, and homeschooling children. Fortunately our kids are willing workers which significantly […]