Cowboy’s Toilet Paper, Our Lady’s Candle, Bunny’s Ear, Beggar’s Blanket, & Quaker’s Rouge are just a few nicknames for Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus). You will find this biennial plant growing in areas that have been disturbed. It grows well in any type of soil since it is a pioneer plant enhancing the soil as it grows (nitrogen fixer) which means it is a great plant to keep on your permaculture property for more than just an herbal remedy. Its water requirements are…

About Mon
Mon is a full-time Clinical & Educational Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, Homesteader & Homeschool Mom of 7 (mostly grown, only 2 are left at home and all but one have graduated!) She spends her days on the homestead enjoying her family, gardening, making herbal medicine, teaching, speaking, blogging, reading, and cooking. Are you looking to take your health to the next level? Book an appointment today:
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