On today’s podcast Monica and I interview Kyle Nagy who is an orchardist at Sandoint Orchard. This is a great interview packed with a lot of valuable information for the home orchardist. This applies heavily to guilds and food forests as well since we talked about tree health, training, pruning, cultivars, rootstock and much more.
Kyle manages an 8 acre USDA Certified Organic orchard containing 525 heirloom apple and pear trees of 68 different varieties, some of which date back to Roman times. He is a certified arborist and nursery professional. His educational background is in Environmental Horticulture where he holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota.
It was a pleasure to have this conversation with Kyle!
Here is a link to one of our older podcasts where we interview Stefan Sobkowiak of The Permaculture Orchard.
Watch the DVD to see how he transformed his conventional orchard into a permaculture orchard:
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